terça-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2022

Novela - Espelho Mágico - 1977

01 - Love's Melody Theme - Larry & Jannie
02 - I Remember Yesterday - Donna Summer
03 - So Many Tears - Dave Ellis
04 - Yes Sir, I Can Boogie - Baccara
05 - Daybreak - Randy Bishop
06 - Trouble-Maker - Roberta Kelly
07 - J'Aime - Jean Pierre Posit
08 - C'Est La Vie - Emerson, Lake & Palmer
09 - Ma Baker - Boney M.
10 - Love So Right - The Bee Gees
11 - Flying High - Tony Stevens
12 - Never Get Your Love Behind Me - The Faragher Brothers
13 - Let's Get It On - East Harlem
14 - How Wonderful To Know - B & C

Emerson, Lake & Palmer - C'est La Vie

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